FAQ | The President’s Speech
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What is the leadership game The President’s Speech about?
It’s a sunny spring evening. The whole world is following the news of the presidential elections. After two years of campaigning, five candidates remain. Each has traveled a long distance – from every corner of the world – to the most important place on earth that day: The election arena. In tonight’s final battle the five candidates are fighting for votes. It’s a close call; the outcome depends on that one final speech. Who will be our next president?
As a spin doctor, you play a pivotal role during these elections. You need to inspire the world and clearly communicate your candidate’s agenda. Most of all, you’ll be showing the real person behind the candidate. In the election arena, you’re the one who makes sure that your speech will lead to victory.
When to play the leadership game: The President’s Speech?
When you play The President’s Speech you practice storytelling, learn about leadership styles and get insights on how they deal with change. These three angels make it a versatile leadership game. Below we describe a few examples on how organizations use the game and the result of that. Do you wonder if the game can also be part of your development day, team building day, or leadership program? Just contact us. We are more than happy to assist.
Change project game: Discover your value
We have experience using the game during change projects, e.g. at the start of implementing a new system, to identify who to put in which position: as someone who tests the new system, who instructs others, who makes sure current operations continue, etcetera. The game helped to get the buy-in of the team on how to coop with the changes and who takes which responsibility.
Teambuilding game: Discover your why
From a storytelling perspective, organizations use the game for example to support teams to find their ‘why’. Teams become more confident once they know their value and can spread these within the organization. They become proud of who they are and proud of being a member of the team.
Leadership development game: Discover your style
Everyone has a preferred, natural style when it comes to leadership. However, this doesn’t have to be the best style in certain situations. When playing ‘The President’s Speech’ you train different leadership styles and how to benefit from using each of them. We have for example experience in playing the game with people from international organizations, with different offices in different countries, that have to work together. Colleagues better-understood (the behavior of) their colleagues or managers based on the knowledge they gain from The President’s Speech, resulting in an increase in productivity and empathy.
Who can participate in the game?
The President’s Speech is a leadership game designed for adults. Organizations use the game within all layers of their organization to accommodate change projects, team building activities, or leadership programs for example.
With how many players do you play?
The game is designed for 5 players. You can pair up teams to facilitate more players, but we recommend to work with more games instead. One facilitator is able to facilitate up to 4 games, so 20 players in total.
How long does the game take?
The game takes between 45 and 75 minutes. We recommend to add a short introduction part (max. 15 minutes) and take about 30 minutes for reflection. A complete workshop, therefore, takes approximately 2 hours.
Where can I buy the game The President’s Speech?
You play the leadership game The President’s Speech during the Velites workshop. The workshop takes approximately 2 hours and can be done in English or Dutch. The training can be done at your location, but can also be organized at our training facility in Leimuiden. Contact us to discuss the possibilities and to request a quotation.
Do you want to be more flexible and play the game more often? In that case, you can become a certified facilitator via our train-the-trainer program.
What does the train the trainer program contain?
Obtaining for the trainer certification for ‘The President’s Speech’ provides you the knowledge required to apply game-based learning within your organization successfully. The certification gives you the right to use and facilitate the game ‘The President’s Speech’. With the gaming license, you can play enter games into your organization easily. The Velites Trainer Certification program includes:
- The instruction day:
- Dive into game-based learning methods
- Discuss the different theories behind the game
- Get familiar with ‘The President’s Speech’: so, play, facilitate, evaluate
- Inspiring location: the historic, authentic farm that was built in 1900
- Lunch
- A reader with all theories, backgrounds and learning journey tools;
- Guidance, attendance, and coaching with first training on-site (in NL);
- Access to the alumni forum;
- Templates to continue the learning journey;
- Invitation for the alumni day;
- Game license for 1 year;
- In addition: instructions on how to play online.
Check here our agenda for the upcoming training days.
Is this leadership game corona-proof?
Besides the off-line edition, you can play The President’s Speech in an online setting as well. In the train-the-trainer program, we learn facilitators how to organize the game both offline and online. You can experience the online version during our introduction class.