Leadership blog

Learn about success, learning and development, the future of leadership and much more via our leadership blog.

Roadmap for a successful personal development day

A personal development day is a tool that supports a learning culture. In this post, we will explain the benefits and provide a roadmap that you can use to organize a successful learning day within your organization. >>>


How a daily huddle contributes to your learning culture

A well organized regular huddle is much more than just sharing information on the work that needs to be done. Instead, it’s the perfect platform to inspire others and to increase the level of motivation within your team. >>>

L&D: Learning & Development or Leadership & Development?

The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and having them stay. What is your L&D strategy? >>>

How to prepare for future leadership?

Play will be to the 21st century what work was to the last 300 years of industrial society – our dominant way of knowing, doing and creating value. What can you do become ready for the conceptual age? >>>

Leadership game - velites

How to use games for organizational success?

Gaming is popular. There are worldwide over 2.5 billion video gamers and the amount of board games in learning environments increases rapidly. Learn more about how to use games in business. >>>

personal learning cloud

Why we have to personalize learning and development?

There is a gap between traditional executive education, that creates room for more tailored approaches towards learning and development. Learn more about the personal learning cloud. >>>

How to measure the ROI of leadership development?

How often did you do a leadership course where you weren’t able to apply the things you’ve learned into practice? What can you do to prioritize successful leadership development? >>>

Measure your creativity with the CQ-test

Creativity is often associated with people in artistic professions. However, nowadays it is increasingly important for organizations to rely on creative thinking as well. But how do you know how creative you are? >>>

How arts contribute to leadership development

Our right-brain skills are important for future leadership. Arts help to re-activate these. >>>

How to train your right-brain skills?

Left-brain skills become more and more redundant as they can be automated easily. In order to be of value, we have to use our right-brain more often. But how will you be able to shift your focus towards your right-brain? >>>

How do you get the best out of a personal development budget?

A personal development budget enables you to further develop yourself. How do you fund your personal development? >>>

celebrate at work

Why you should celebrate.

Let’s all celebrate and have a good time (Kool & The Gang). But celebration is responsible for unity and stress-reduction as well. How do you integrate celebration in your organization? >>>

More than words.

Without language no interaction. Language is crucial in transferring information. But do we use the right forms of language in our communication? >>>


The first time.

We’re busy with the renovation of our old farm. We are doing almost everything ourselves, learning every day. How often do you learn new things? >>>

Leadership age

There is a law in place for the minimum drinking age, the minimum smoking age, the minimum age to gamble, to get married and to drive a car. But at what age are you ready to become a leader?

Are you a slave of your inbox?

Just send me an e-mail, so I won’t forget. Sounds this familiar to you? Read how I’ve changed and became less obsessed by my inbox.

All under control?

We can influence are own life. Everything seems to be possible. But which external factors influence the path we follow, the choices we make and the situations that we face at work?

Lifelong learning

How to survive our world of lifelong learning if you are a bad learner or if you don’t know what course to take? It starts all with curiosity.

Are you an idealist or a realist?

Without idealism we won’t experience big changes. But ot what extent do we need to be realistic when we are chasing after our goals? Learn more about the e-roads for peace.

The energy of habits

Maybe instead of environmental friendly ways to generate energy, we have to ask ourselves the questions: can we live with less? How do you use power?

The right to be forgotten

One right out of the GDPR is to right to erasure, also called the right to be forgotten. But is this possible? Do you want to be forgotten and how does it feel? How do you achieve people will remeber you instead?

Are we there yet?

Time is a relative understanding. It goes fast when you enjoy, it feels really going slow when you’re waiting. How can we influence waiting time ourselves?

I can’t, I don’t, I am not

Limiting beliefs are those beliefs about ourselves, others or about the world, that hold us back from taking action. They keep us blind to opportunities. What are your limiting beliefs and how can you get rid of them?

My summer office

Working remotely, working whenever you want? It sounds fantastic, but is it really such a luxury as it sounds?

2018-15 down to earth

Down to earth

Down to earth is about a connected life. But how do you apply the principles in your daily life, with a normal job and family? Is it in that case possible to become a wisdom keeper as well?

Serious Game The President's Speech - Storytelling

Once upon a time

If somebody talks from the head, he will get a rationalistic answer. If somebody talks from the heart, he will evoke emotions. But you can only achieve real information if somebody tells his own story. Learn how to use storytelling in business.

How to make your dreams come true

The Dutch pop group BZN recorded the song The Banjo Man. The song is about a man who wants to become a famous guitar player. But instead he was playing in ‘honky-tonky-bars’ on his banjo. How much chance do we have in life to make our dreams come true?

Let it go

A world where you are not able to show who you really are or what you can do. This is far from perfect. But in real-life, this might happen more often than we think. Can we use the power of vulnerability to show who we truly are?

Expect the unexpected

Finding what you didn’t look for. The Post-it, tea-bags and the X-ray are all invented via serendipity. But also artists like Merijn Bolink are using this concept in their work. And we can use the concept in our daily life as well.

Slow, slower, slowest

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”, said Abraham Lincoln. In this case he uses 66% of the time for preparation and only 34% for execution. How to find the right balance?

Career tiger in danger

Threatened by assignment based work, wirearchies, crowd driven reputations and master artisans the career tigers are endangered. What is needed to protect their future? How to become ready for a life without a job?

What do you know?

We need data in order to improve ourselves, our companies and our world. But how do we make sure we do use all available data carefully and wisely? How to deal with big data?

Let’s work together

TEAM: together everyone achieves more. There are many books, pictures, videos and games available on teamwork. So why do we still see challenges related to how well a team functions? And how do we get rid of silo’s?